What is an exclusion barrier?

If you live anywhere near a forest or wooded area you know that wild animals, especially small ones, have a tendency to find their way into your home and set up camp there. Finding that building their nests there is much easier and safer than braving it out in the wild.

Although this might be a Disney princess’ dream, it is not an idea that appeals so much to the everyday home owner. Apart from the diseases that they may bring, there is also the unwanted odors, droppings and property damage that they cause. In addition to this, you may rest assured that if you have one furry visitor, you will have many. Most wild animals, like raccoons, opossums, mice and squirrels, like to live in families or large groups. Even foxes can be found in small groups when breeding, and of course, they will seek shelter and safety for their new born pups when the winter months arrive.

These occasional invasions have led humans on a merry dance across time to discover the best method for keeping them out. Anything from traps, electric fences, shooting them, repellents, and high pitched noise machines have been used with mixed results. But there is a simple way and that is an exclusion barrier.

An exclusion barrier is exactly what the name suggests. A physical barrier installed at the possible entrance of future den or nest. It is normally applied to basements, porches, crawl spaces and attics. Simply boarding up the access points with wood is not enough, as most of them can rip or chew their way through wood. A strong steel mesh must be used to prevent them getting in, and if installed on the ground level, must be buried and curved outwards to prevent them digging and burrowing under it.

Raccoons, foxes, rabbits, mice, rats and squirrels are among the world’s best burrowers. If really desperate or in need, they will not hesitate to burrow long deep tunnels underneath your porch just to get inside. This means that an exclusion barrier, while the most effective and simple way of keeping wild animals out, must be installed correctly to be 100% effective.

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