Is skunk feces dangerous to touch or breathe?

While it is recommended not to touch skunk feces, there are many people who accidentally breathe the feces in as they come closer to the skunk carcass. Thus, it is important to address the issue. It is suggested that you use goggles and also gloves when you are trying to clean the mess.

Skunks carry a lot of infectious diseases. It is best to avoid them and not get to close to them, especially with your bare hands. People usually contact removal services because they work professionally using their equipment. If you don’t have the right equipment, it is better to leave it to the professional to come and clean it up.

Like many other animals in the wild, skunks carry parasites and viruses, like rabies or tape worms. These diseases may not be detected by your eyes, but they could be easily transmitted to your body.

The parasites are located in the urine and feces of the skunks. Thus, the parasites could reproduce and increase in number. This could affect your pets or other humans that come into contact with them. Dogs often lick on the animals’ feces accidentally, and this could transfer the parasite into their body. The eggs will grow in your dog’s intestines and cause diseases.

The diseases in skunk feces

It is important to stay far away, as far as you can, from the skunk’s dead body. They could carry viruses that can still be transmitted to you. Their blood can contain serious diseases such as rabies, which can even cause death if transmitted to humans. Canine distemper disease is something that will harm your pets if your pets come into contact with the discharge of an infected skunk. It could lead to the dog experiencing nausea, diarrhea, fever and lethargy.

Hepatitis A

Skunk feces can also carry hepatitis A. Through their feces and urine, skunks can cause liver enlargement. If this condition is ignored, it could become a much worse case. It affects the lungs and the kidney too.

Some skunks can also carry diseases that affect your digestive system. Some of the symptoms you may experience include blood cell reduction and constant vomiting. You could also experience anemia. This is why no one should go near a skunk’s feces or carcass unless the utmost in protective gear is worn to preserve your health.

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