Signs of moles in yard

Determining whether you have a mole in your yard can be very tricky. Sometimes it is very easy to confuse gophers and a mole. Identifying a pest correctly is very important because you will be able to determine how best to go about its elimination. There are traps designed specifically for moles, and these may not be effective on other pests that you may be dealing with.

Identifying moles

The most frustrating thing about pests is the fact that they are so hard to spot. Sometimes the only thing that tells us they are actually existent is the damage that they leave behind.

Moles aren’t classified as rodents. However, they are closely related to the shrew family and bats. These animals are insectivorous. Moles love to feed on centipedes, millipedes, slugs, and even snails. Moles will very rarely attack vegetation for food. Moles will most often eat their prey live and may cause no damage to your landscape plants. They love the areas that are moist and shady as well as the woodlands. Annuals that are delicate may be damaged due to the creation of air pockets near the roots. This causes damage on lawns and gardens even though moles aren’t really interested in the vegetation.


Signs that will tell you that there are moles in your yard or garden include mounds and even raised ridges. The extent of damage depends on the prevailing soil condition. Moles love the areas that are moist because this is where they will be able to find worms and grubs in plenty. The surface tunnels are usually quite shallow, and they will usually follow along the lawn border, the driveway, house foundation or other objects that are solid.

The raised runs make the flower beds or the lawn feel squishy, especially if you get to walk on them. When moles aren’t busy looking for food, they are usually excavating. The dirt is usually pushed straight up, and this leads to the creation of volcano-like or regular conical kind of mounds. The mounds are usually very uniform in their shape even though some may be bigger or smaller than others.

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