Diseases caused by rats’ urine

Rats are social animals that are very prolific, and this means that they are able to increase in population quickly if the conditions are favorable to them. The rats carry different diseases, helminthes, protozoa, viruses and bacteria. They can also be a vector of different diseases like mites, lice, ticks and fleas.

The transmission of the disease can take place through dead rodent handling, blood, saliva, urine and feces.

Leptospirosis is the infection which is caused by Leptospira bacteria, and it is contracted from the urine of the infected animals, and this includes rodents, dogs, pigs and cattle. Humans may get into contact with animal body fluids or the urine of an infected animal. The human can also come into contact with food, water and soil that are contaminated by the urine of an infected animal. The bacteria live in the kidneys of an animal and they are passed out in urine. They may survive for some months in water and soil. The symptoms of this disease may include muscle aches, chills, severe headaches and high fever or vomiting. Sometimes it can cause yellow eyes and yellow skin, rash, diarrhea and abdominal pain. When the disease has not been treated, it may cause meningitis and kidney damage, respiratory distress and liver failure. Sometimes death may take place. Leptospirosis is the most common disease which is being transmitted by animals to people.

LCMV or Lymphocytic choriomeningitis is a type of infectious disease, and it is transmitted by the urine and saliva of rats. There are some people who may suffer long term effects of the lymphcytic choriomeningitis, but others can experience temporary discomforts.

Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome or HPS is a deadly disease and it is transmitted by rats through saliva, droppings and urine. A human may contract this disease if they breathe in the virus in the air.

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