What should I do with a raccoon after I catch it?

Wild animals are those undomesticated animals’ species and they grow or live in the wild in the area where they were not introduced by the humans. The wildlife may be found in each ecosystem like the grasslands, plains, rain forest, forest and deserts. Even if the popular term should stand for the wild that has not been touched by the human factors but in most cases, the wildlife has been affected by the human activities. Raccoons are wildlife animals and no one wants them in the home because they make a mess and can be destructive. A raccoon can be a carrier of infections and diseases, leaving urine spots and droppings around your house. With all the dangers involved, it is normal that you want to get rid of a raccoon that has got inside your home.

There are many different traps to capture a raccoon. Lots of these traps enable you to capture a raccoon and to finally get rid of it, and get rid of it in a humane way. There are traps that will enable you to capture a raccoon live so that you can relocate it elsewhere. If you choose this option, it is important to keep in mind that you should relocate it at least 5 miles away from your home (or otherwise it can find its way back to your home). If you are unsure how to proceed in this case, contact a professional wildlife rehabber that will know how to remove a raccoon from your home and take it to another safe location.

There is also an option to use a snap trap that kills a raccoon. Make sure to get the one that will safely and swiftly kill a raccoon without causing it unnecessary suffering. Don't use poisoned bait to capture a raccoon and to ensure its death. Poison is a slow method of killing an animal, a method that causes pain and suffering for a raccoon, and you surely don't want to do that.

Traps that are being manufactured these days are easy to use even by amateurs, people that haven’t have to deal with raccoon trapping before. You just have to place a trap somewhere where raccoons navigate often. You will know where this is by larger amount of raccoon droppings.

After you have set the traps and placed the baits in it, check them often, at least twice a day. Don't let a raccoon stay in a trap capture more than necessary because this stresses it highly and causes it unnecessary fear and pain.

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