Identifying fox tracks

Identification of animal tracks is not something that anyone can do without some knowhow. It is important to identify any footprints that you see in and around your property since some of the wild animals can pose a danger to your pets and your children who may be helpless when they come face to face with them. Identifying fox tracks therefore becomes an important task when you notice them within the garden or even around the house.

The red fox

Footprints of different animals in the wild can be rather hard to tell apart. However, the fox has a triangular footprint. Usually, the tracks of the fox will have some alternate patterns. The footprints come aligned and they are rather shallow. Usually, each pattern has from two to four prints at a time. One of the common characteristics of the footprints is the claw marks as well as the triangular shape noticed on the foot pads. If the marks are dragged, it may mean you are dealing with a fox.

Usually, the red fox footprint will have four toes. The red fox’s feet are furry, and this can be a little hard to observe. The toes and pads are actually smaller and have the shape of a chevron, and this is what makes them stand out. When identifying the species, each footprint can be measured with a length of around 1.75-2.5 inches.

As for the grey foxes, they have much less fur on the feet area and therefore are able to retract their claws. This means that you will not notice any claw marks on the footprints of this species. The range is also much smaller, and it can be around 1.75 inches.

It is important to know that foxes usually use different gaits as they move around, and this mainly depends on the location as well as the behavior. The most common walks that one can notice are gallops, trots and walks. The gray and red foxes will travel to hiding places and trees. They can also walk on walls or any wood logs lying around.

Another mode of identification that many of the fox professional trackers use is the fox scat. These are usually separated and can be up to 8 inches in diameter. The shape of fox scat is tapered and ropey. Foxes may have footprints that can be confused withthose of dogs and coyotes.

When you really want correct animal identification with great precision, you can contact a wildlife service provider. This are people who are well trained and aware of all that is needed to track an animal, trap it and relocate it if there is a conflict of interest.

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