What diseases do rodents carry?

Wild animals have the ability to infect human beings with dangerous diseases. That is why we are always warned against handling them without proper protection. From their appearance, they might look quite harmless. People end up being tempted to interact with them without knowing of the consequences. Rodents are no exception; they carry some deadly diseases with them and they are able to pass them easily to humans. The reason they pass them easily is that they are small and move just about everywhere. Most of them are also dirty and they rummage in the gutters.

Most rodents have leptospirosis, which is a dangerous bacteria disease. Humans can get infected when they come into contact with rat feces and urine through mucous membranes. Another rodent disease that affects humans is salmonellosis, which is bacteria. Again it is spread to humans by coming into contact with rodent feces and urine. Rat bite fever is also another disease that is spread through bites, scratches and by coming into contact with feces and urine. Rodents also infect people with the plague. It is transmitted from animals to people and also from animal to animal. This is usually through the fleas found on these rodents. There are other diseases such as hantavirus pulmonary disease, lassa fever, and leptospirosis, among others.

It is thus important to take care when handling these rodents whether they are dead or alive. When tackling dead rats, one should always use gloved hands. If you have trapped live animals, do not play with them as they might end up biting you or scratching you. One should also make sure there are no rodents in the home. All entry points should be sealed, and if there are some rodents in the home, they should be eliminated. If you have no courage doing so, you can call pest control for help.

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