The Brown Water Snake: Appearance, biology, life cycle, habitat, diet, behavior

The brown water snake biology

The snake’s scientific name is NerodiaTqaxispilota. The brown water snake lives semi-aquatically and is often mistaken with a moccasin.

The bulky snake looks heavy and huge, but it has a small neck. The color usually consists of rusty and muddy brown with blotches on the back. The blotches in square can also be seen at the belly’s side. The belly color can range from yellow to black.

They typically can grow up to 60 inches long, but some huge snakes can stand up to 70 inches. The females are heavier than the male species, and the males often submerge their bodies, leaving only a small portion of its head above the water.

The brown water snake behavior

The brown water snake usually wanders day and night. They often hunt, but when they don’t they rest during the day. Sometimes they can bite a little harder than any other snakes. However, they can also swim away from danger. Even though the bites are not poisonous, it could leave a wound.

The brown water snake diet

Brown water snakes feed on fish. They can consume worms and frogs. The females do not hunt, but they take care of themselves during their pregnancy. They can get fatter and they could actually eat other small snakes. They don’t often eat catfish because this species has spines that might get stuck inside the snake. A brown water snake that has eaten a catfish spine can be identified from their body shape after they eat them. But of course the spine will break on its course and the wound will heal.

The brown water snake habitat

This type of snake is very active. Sometimes a large stream can help them to travel around areas. They can be found most often in southern Virginia or coastal Georgia. The can be found in vegetation near river banks or canals. Sometimes they can be found in creeks too. In the forest, they can be found under the hammocks or the grass prairies.

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